MNGTS017S 1:35 Meng German A7V Tank (Krupp) & Engine LIMITED EDITION - Sprue Brothers Models LLC
Just saw that. $$ but a neat subject.
This was first released back when the A7V first came out. I missed out on it. I’m tempted to get one, but I’ve sort of cooled off on kits with interiors. Still a bit tempting though.
$20 more than the Meng version without the motor.
How much would you spend on getting a motor from a different vender?
I wanted a complete set with an engine when the price increased several times. There was nothing to indicate that there would be a reissue. now I’ll be smarter and wait a little longer.
For those who bought a kit without an engine and do not want to buy a second set, here is a link to eBay.
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