good start, nice subject. i built the panda version. If I can give you some advice, build the interior first, before building anymore of the suspension. This way you can fit the top and bottom together without fear of breaking off something.
Thanks for the tip.
I didn’t like the Panda version at all.
It ended up in the Trash…
I helped Meng with theirs. Somehow (and I have a good idea) Panda ended up with the same measurements - even used the same vehicle serial number as in my photos. And yet Panda got the dimensions right, while the Meng version is said to be noticeably too long.
Comments about the width of the Panda Cougar are unfounded. The width is almost spot on. There was an issues with some folks not being able to close the top and bottom, but I posted here how that was a very easy fix. I was no Panda fanboy, but they outdid Meng on this one,
No problem on the tip. While the Panda didn’t go together as easily as other kits, mine came out looking ok. I built the JERRV version as a Cdn vehicle, here’s how it turned out.
Ahhh… wait, mine was the 4x4 version, not the 6 wheeled one.
What are the seat belts made of?
They are rubberized like in their Bradley kits.
Try Gorilla glue.
I’ll try Revell Contact or some white glue.
That’s what have here.
Can’t find any Gorilla here.
It’s looking good.