What are the best Micro Point Tweezers for Decals ?
Why do you want micro points for decals? I generally prefer flat, about 1 to 2 mm wide for any but the smallest decals so I get better placement control. Note that I always scribe all around the outside of the decal before softening it. Then I can have as large a handling tab for it as I want.
A good source for high quality tweezers of any configuration are jewelry making supply sites like RioGrande.com. Such quality tweezers are pricey, but they will last a lifetime and be inherited by your kids or grandkids.
I would choose stamp tweezers.
Looks like this (detail variations of course …)
Some have angled/bent tips, others are straight, less or more rounded et.c.
For Actual Micro Tweezers .I have and use them and they are great when there is a need.
Be forewarned, the points are VERY sharp.
Best to use a paintbrush, less risk of damaging the transfer.
i guess I’m old fashioned and not down with new stuff like you kids are as i just use my fingers lol
My fingers, on a full grown mans hand, are a tad too large for those teeny tiny decals.
I hate using tweezers, a light grasp and the part falls just as I’m about to set it, a firm grasp and the tiny part is catapulted into the next dimension arrrgh! One recommendation though is to get black anodized or painted finish or at least a brushed finish if possible, polished steel or chrome plated can interfere or obscure your visibility.
Consider trying self closing or cross lock tweezers.
Example of general design:
They are not the solution to everything but they do keep a consistent pressure on the held object which reduces the risk of suddenly applying too much force, fatigue in the fingers causing changes in applied force.
This type reduced my tweezer launch incident frequency drastically …
There are also those with insulated handles, great for soldering if you are into that sort of thing …
I use one of several different tweezers to hold the decal for positioning, but nothing touches the decal except an old, fairly stiff paint brush, and a microbrush for setting solution.
Thank you for reminding me! I learned of this decades ago, but had forgotten.
An old ER doctor told me that it wasn’t my memory going. It was that there is so much information in there now that it’s hard to find what you need at the moment. I’m going with that.