Here will be topic concerning new kits from Mikromir.
The new kit just released is
Mikromir 35028 Ukraine’s Maritime Drone (USV), 1/35 scale
Nice. Some awesome stuff coming from Ukrainian brands as of late.
The new kit
[35029 - Crusader K6 jet powered WSR boat, 1/35](Mikromir 35029 Crusader K6 jet powered WSR boat, 1/35 | eBay)
Cool and different kit
Interesting. Wonder if they’ll follow this up with Bluebird?
The first news in 2024
Mikromir 350045 Soviet SSBN Pr.667a (Yankee class) 1/350
Mikromir 72027 Saab J35F Draken, 1/72
Looking forward to the Draken and keeping on the look out for the Italian CB midget sub.
Mikromir just released limited serie of 3 kits
72028-1 Hunting Provost T15 British Air Force (limited edition) variant 1
72028-2 Hunting Provost T15 Rhodesian, Irish AF (limited edition) variant 2
Some very interesting subjects! Are they made in Ukraine, or have they relocated to safety?
Hi, we are in Ukraine - Mikromir and Modelsales too. In Dnipropetrovsk region
As I know at this moment totally relocated out of Ukraine only Miniart
Thanks for the clarification! Good luck and stay safe!
The first new kit in 2025
Mikromir 72029 Caproni B.72 torpedo boat, 1/72