Been slogging away at this for a while now. Beginning to think that MiniArt has cranked out more of these than the Russians did. The molds are showing their age and wear. Flash, prominent mold seams, poor fit. Not a trouble free build to start with. One piece barrel:+1:, Indy plastic tracks that need cleaned up , and oddly no tow cables. Also a fairy extensive bit of PE. Replaced kit tracks with MasterClub and used nylon string for the cables. Just a few odd bits to add but essentially finished. Thanks for looking.
Thank you for the heads up on the molds, the build looks good though
My hats off to you! Their kits are no pleasure to me.
Great build there!
Thanks. Have done just about all MiniArt T55s sans interior. Once you get the hang of them they are much less daunting, but still not easy. Far too many tiny fiddly parts that are nearly impossible to clean up. The plumbing for the fuel tanks especially so. Almost always break. Despite all that they do build up nicely. After this though I’ll be looking for an easy Tamiya build.
I guess those kits are way more detailed than the lindberg I finnished today, at some point I may get one after the amusing hobby T72AV that arrived today (with the das werk panther G and eduard kurfurst).
I started one of their T54s and never finished one.
I like these kits, but they are a lot of work, and I’ve used aftermarket tracks on every one of them.