Miscaptioned period pics in reference books

I can’t remember if it was Desert Storm or one of the earlier “Tanker War” articles, but Newsweek or Time showed a photo of, IIRC, a Navy helicopter, calling it an ‘Army fighter jet,’ and identifying the external tanks as bombs and missiles.

Sometime between late 1979 and early 1983, 60 Minutes or 20/20 ran a story about how terrible the F-15 was because it cost millions of dollars and took 5 or 6 minutes to warm up its avionics before takeoff; the compared it to a P-47, claiming it could be airborne within a minute of the klaxon going off. A subsequent aviation magazine excoriated them for such a ridiculous comparison, noting that, sure, at 5 minutes the Jug could be climbing through 12,000 feet, but fifteen seconds later it would be knocked out of control by the jet wash of the supersonic-climbing F-15. :rofl:


Just a regular event for the public, show and tell.

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Now we know what Rorschach did after the Watchmen film! :slight_smile:

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Somebody went a little overboard with the face camo? :grin:

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I had to literally google that one.