When you get to the painting stage and realize your lack of skill would just ruin an expensive model you just built, so it goes back in the box to await being ruined on some future day.
When a reviewer (who should know better!) makes a bad review on a kit, claiming poor fit, when you’ve built the same kit with no problems, and you know it’s the reviewer’s fault for a poor clean-up!
We saw that film in high school, dear lord how we laughed
Edit: For reference, that would have been 1978 or 1979
Show that in one of our schools now and the cry closet might get filled up.
the day after you place a big order with the Bros getting all the supplies you need for the summer, and you realize you are out of the one color of paint you need now…
Science and math! The teacher was right. It does have a use after all.
When you follow the instructions to a “T” and discover the instructions were wrong.
Not a motorcycle gas tank but those extra fuel drums carried on the back of most Soviet Tanks post-war. Hours spent sanding down the seam only to discover that the real thing had a seam(!)
No 25 - I wish…
The day after you get back from the LHS after buying that one bottle of paint you need and forgot to order in your big order from the bros, you then realize you did actually have that one bottle but had put it in the wrong place in the rack…
so would this be the right forum to post these then???
THis happened…
which led to this…
and led to these beauties…
Actually just happened a few days ago…I’m waiting on a call from the surgeon to schedule it’s removal…
Oh man Calvin that’s a Gold Medal in this category!
I feel your pain. Sucks to wait with a drill bit stuck in the thumb.
Hard to continue modeling, the thumb is sort of essential. An index finger can be taken out of service temporarily and the next finger in line takes over but the thumb is too unique …
It takes a special kind of brutal to launch a DIY-session to deliberately start slicing into ones thumb to retrieve a lost drill bit.
I tried that…the e.r. Dr tried that…no joy to either lol…hence why I’m waiting on a surgeon now
What really made it worse was that the bit was in my dremel when this happened…and the dremel was on!!!
Man that twists my stomach just thinking about it.
Man! I’m so sorry that happened! I hope you recover quickly!
As a side note to the admins - I think we need to introduce a “do not post x-rays” policy on the boards - I nearly hurled.
(kidding about the policy suggestion of course)
I wonder if I should post the x-rays of my left shinbone when it was broken in two places …
A stupid dirt bike rider tried to tackle me but he and his bike took a tumble after hitting my left leg with the front wheel and the left side of his handlebar came to a full stop against my belly.
He went from steering straight to twisted 90 degrees left in about 1 foot distance, must have been quite a surprise for him …
He was doing maybe 20 mph so he took quite a tumble and slid maybe 30 ft on the asphalt.
Lucky for him my leg was busted, otherwise he would be riding a wheelchair
I have very sensitive shins. I like to tell people, “if you look at my shins wrong, I’m going to bullet a bullet in your head.”