General Discussions
Site Talk Discuss the site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. For user problems or support issues please go to the user support category/forum. Photography Discuss cameras or other photography related topics here. In Memoriam For remembering absent friends or people that had an impact on the hobby or your life. Introductions If you are new or just want to introduce yourself you can do that here. Welcome to the community! General Painting For general painting, airbrushing, or weathering topics on scale modeling. Tools & Supplies Have a favorite tool you’d like to talk about? Museums, etc. Post topics about historical travel sites like museums, collections, exhibits, battlefields, etc. Events & Shows Post any news about upcoming shows or events here. Scale Modeling Q&A For scale modeling question and answers. Best answer is highlighted. 3D Printing Here’s a new forum on 3D Printing. I would say useful for general topics on 3D printers, printing techniques, media, etc. Or if you are posting about 3D projects that cross several genres.