Modeling the IDF M48 “Pereh” Missile Carrier

The Magach 3 kit from Dragon does not provide you with the hull you need for the Pereh. You need a M48A3 mod B hull with the reinforced front fenders and the reinforcing ribs on the rear hull doors. You also need new transmission covers and Merkava sprockets and tracks. The side skirts are similar to the Magach 7A . The wheels have re-infrorcing/shock absorbing rings on the interior so you also need new wheels.

It is pretty ironic but the most usable part from that Dragon piece of :poop: of a kit is the 105mm barrel because it is more like the gimmicky barrel of the real thing than a proper 105mm gun.

The turret is a completely new construction, it has nothing in common with the M48 turret. The front is “square” to make room for the 2 man crew and the ERA is what makes it look rounded.


