Models on 1969 British SciFi show “UFO.”

I just had to check I still had those two albums. Happily they are safely tucked away in their cubby hole along with a couple of William Shatner’s finer vocal works (all vinyl).

I’ve pulled them out to have a listen this weekend.

Thanks for bringing them to mind. :+1:



Ahem…,… Guilty as charged Sir :see_no_evil:

I never had the soundtrack for EFNY, but I remember the scene tunes seemed to fit it well …
Flash Gordon …Yeap, I did own that … Well it was Queen, and it would be rude not to really …
And I did have the Convoy soundtrack…a very guilty pleasure lol… Only for the title song really … And I did have it on a single as well … Breaker 1 9 …:grin:


I thought of the song Convoy as I was driving my new car Thursday night. Took her up to 100 mph on an empty stretch of highway, “like a rocket sled on rails…”


Oh yeah… when you mention Convoy it makes me think of the soundtrack for Smokey and the Bandit that I found on Spotify. I love all the CB Radio banter on there between the music items.


Just finished watching, well listening to all 26 episodes, :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe I am at Episode 19. I have read that there are various numberings of episodes.

Again, I have to comment on the models. When the interceptors are raised on the platforms, notice the detail in the platform area.

Something I recently noticed during this sequence is that a pilot’s head turns. Nice touch.

What I have learned about 1980 from this series:

All women were amazing beauties, in shape, wear the tightest clothing, smoke on the job and do not mind provocative comments. Apparently HR departments did not exist in 1980.

All men were required to have Mike Brady or Cpl. Peter Newkirk sideburns.

Also, I must mention again how much of this series’ plot devices have since become UFO conspiracy canon.


UFO how intensely both of my parents absolutely HATED that TV :tv: show. If caught watching it, the channel was changed followed with a long stern lecture about watching such worthless crap. :sleeping:

Quickly learned to go visit my grandmother and watch it there. UFO was one of the very few series I purchased after joining Amazon Prime. Finally got to see all the episodes in color!

Realized there were some very dark themes in the show especially when Straker’s child was hit by a car and died. That episode being a key reason the show was banned by my parents.


Hmmm… Seems you offered up other ample reasons for parental opprobrium as well…

I may have mentioned this, but my parents were anything but permissive. Trust me on that. That said, for example, at four years old, pre-kindergarten, I crossed streets and wandered forests alone. So maybe it was a bit of a mix.

Still, they took no notice of my 12 year old self faithfully watching “UFO.”

What is crazy to me watching these now is that I have no memory of submariner supermodel vixens in mesh tops, etc.

Sure, I remember the women on the moon base, but most plots were also forgotten.

Again, I was almost wholly obsessed with the interceptors blowing up “You-Foes.” :slightly_smiling_face: THIS is what I remember and brought me back to the series.

I must add, and this is nothing against our British friends, but I thought back then, “How is England supposed to be doing all this space warfare stuff??? WE are the ones on the moon!” :laughing:

But even now, I still love the show.

A shame it only lasted one season.

Was on eBay last night and found that Aoshima offers a kit of the moon base. That has diorama possibilities!

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Yeah, that seems to be a constant: at grandma’s house, you could watch just about anything. Mine had cable before anyone else I knew, a definite plus.

First time I saw KISS on TV? At grandma’s.


For my own punishment, started space 1999.:grin:


Space 1999, not a patch on UFO regarding dark stories and top-totty, but definitely more great models Frank, just ignore the plot holes, and science mumbo-jumbo, :smirk:.

G, :beer:


Up to Episode 21, I think it is.

“Time Lash” was crazy. Again, it’s so strange I just cannot remember most of these episodes, but I can remember old Star Trek reruns I watched when I was 11. The most I remembered was Skydiver stuck on a precipice deep in the ocean.

My son asked if I was watching “UFO” on my tablet last night (I was) and commented, “it’s pretty cheesy.”

“Yeah, but realize there was no CGI et cetera back then. They had to make do with what they could construct.”

I will say that the styles tend to be a bit humorous: the Nehru jackets, mod decor taken further, the purple wigs…

Crazy that there seem to be no shifts at Moonbase, just three supermodels in silver catsuits pulling 24/7 shifts.

In fact, there are very few staff period, just like on Skydiver. :slightly_smiling_face:

Still love it though.

Also, am watching on Amazon Prime and you can click on “Trivia” for interesting information on each episode.


According to the ‘UFO S.H.A.D.O. Technical Operations Manual’…a cracking read for any fans of the series…the Moonbase is only designed for up to 20 personnel, so that would be less than 7 souls per shift, assuming 8hrs. If 3 of those are Interceptor crew, then I guess only 3 fits, :thinking:…sounds a bit too much like hard work to me, :wink:.

The same book states that a Skydiver crew totals 6 souls…even harder work, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

There is also the following book in the same series for those interested in Space 1999.

G, :beer:


Space 1999, “science” this is my favorite :heart_eyes:

I got choked laughing so hard.

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Lived abroad as a kid, for both of these series , so just catching up😁 to life as it was, then.
Only had a peak, at some stuff, when visiting grandparents.


The daft thing is, it shows just how useless Aliens are …

If they had done any after action reviews on their attack missions to earth they would of quickly realised the easiest way to conquer earth was following these basic steps.

  1. Send one initial wave/flight of 5 UFOs. The moonbase interceptors were always flown as all 3 together which due to their seemingly woeful target acquisition/guidance systems could only eliminate 3 of the 5 UFOs, then they’d run out of ammo and have to return to moonbase.

  2. The other 2 UFOs would continue to earth and then Skydiver would probably be able to take those out before it ran out of ammo and would need to land somewhere to re-arm. Earth is now defenceless.

  3. The Aliens had a 2nd wave of 6 UFOs inbound 5 minutes behind the first wave, who are now able to fly directly to moonbase, take that out with minimum effort and then all head to earth to seek our surrender… job done …


I was definitely thinking along those lines. :smile:

Why would they seemingly always send just one “You-Foe”???

And I don’t know just how secret this S.H.A.D.O. base is — Straker’s entire office lowers itself underground.

And no one notices?

How does the rest of the staff get there? They also each have elevator offices? Or do they use steps?


Given their limited speed in near-earth space and presuming a very distant origin, perhaps the jump gate/wormhole generator/what-have-you can only send one UFO at a time and requires a long time to cool down/recharge between shots. There’s only one because of chronic government under-funding for the project/it’s just a proof-of-concept set up and the failure-to-return ratio is stalling things until it improves/it’s an illegal private enterprise requiring discretion/the laws of weird fizzix limit the opportunities to launch missions. Then the first of the Hawk interceptors start coming on line… (I know the chronology doesn’t work, but what were the Hawks meant to defend against?)
Or… (Insert your own insanity)

Straker’s entire office lowers itself underground. And no one notices?

There’s an identical one on top that slots into place fitted with a looped soundtrack of Straker being vigorously intimate under his desk in case someone ignores the “Do NOT Disturb” sign on the door.

How does the rest of the staff get there? Or do they use steps?

Paternoster, much more fun. Our old office block had one, I’d occasionally “accidentally” go through the pit and surprise someone in the hallway by emerging from the infernal regions. I only wish I’d fitted a red filter over the lamp down there to add a suitable lighting effect.




How did the rest of the personnel get into the base under the studio?
Slides - like the Interceptor and Skydiver captain got to use.
I mean why should rank have all the fun?


Well, I would work there if I got to go down a giant fun park slide.

Especially if it was all twisty and completely dark like they used to have at the defunct Myrtle Waves in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Then there were all these supermodels in tight outfits at the bottom of the slide. Sign me up!