Modelzona 2021 Photos

So this past weekend on Saturday the 6th was Modelzona, IPMS Phoenix’s annual model event. It was held in a church gym in Mesa, and was truly a sight to see. There were 504 entries in all categories, from individual figures, to large dioramas. I only took a few photos of some of the entries, but I gotta say, there sure were some fabulous models to be seen!

So, without further ado, I’ll start with Figures and Sci Fi. There were lots more entries in these categories, but these items caught my eye for one reason or another…

More to come… stay tuned!


Here are some of the aircraft entries:

1/32 Scale

1/72 small Jets

Biplanes, all scales

1/48 aircraft (yes that BUFF is 1/48!)

again, this is just some of the entries in those categories…


Continuing with the show, I’ll move to armor & cars. I didn’t take many photos there, although there were a LOT of entries in both categories…

Cars (a very small sampling)

1/35 armor

I feel bad now that I did not take more photos in these areas… but then again I skipped over ships completely… sorry…


And lastly we have dioramas… plus an oops on my part as the gaming figures that I’m leading off with were in the figures section, not the dioramas, but the way that I uploaded them to my hosting account boned that up…

and last but not least, the one that no one expected…
