Modern Canadian Army Decals

I have been looking for Cold War era Canadian Army Decals in 1/35 scale, off and on for about a month, and so far, no luck at all. A whole set for a Canadian Leopard 1 would be great, but I could probably get by with just Maple Leafs. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

I found this on Scalemates but have no idea as to how current it is:

Canadian Military Vehicles, JBOT Decals 009-001-035 (20xx) (

also, a firm called Autoloader appear to do some:

AUD003 - 1/35 Decals: Modern Canadian Tank Markings By AUTOLOADER DECALS @ Great Hobbies

Contact @DennisatAutoloader He set me up with a large amount.
Too bad you’re in the States, otherwise I’d send you what i have left.

Thank both of you. It is much appreciated.


Echelon used to make fantastic decals for the Canadian Leopard.
I do not see any on their website right now, but a quick search showed some stores still have some in stock.

Sprue Brothers has some of them, but they’re mostly for Afghanistan. There is one set that’s for the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School & Royal Canadian Dragoons Gagetown Leopards.

Looks like they’re available :


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Either I am blind, or I did a spelling mistake when searching. :grinning:

You can also give Wheels and Wings in Toronto a try. Great store with great staff. Email Kyle, he is very knowledgable about these things.

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Wheels and Wings also have a dedicated “Canadian Content” page on their website, FWIW.

If it is just the maple leafs you are after I could make masks and send them, that’s what I did in this guy

Can also do the chevrons


Above & Below Graphics in Canada has multiple sets of modern Canadian army related decals…both Leopard C1 and C2 specific and generic.

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