Modern military vehicle quiz - just for fun

How many can you get right?

I only got 10 right. All 10 with country so, 20 points.

22 points (not eleven vehicles with their countries right, but a few where I did get the vehicle but not the country, and the other way round). A lot of these are too modern for me, I’m afraid.

19, so 38 total … although, I am not sure I would put Scorpion in as modern lol

  1. not counting brain farts…


Technically, everything post-Second World War is “modern” when you’re talking about military vehicles. Which was fine into ca. the 1980s–90s, but now is starting to stretch it rather a lot. Maybe we need a new category … Contemporary military vehicles maybe? That’s not going to cause confusion all, I’m sure.

Yep. By that reckoning the T-55 is modern :wink: :rofl: :rofl:

In the Wargaming hobby, anything post-WWII is considered “Moderns.” However, some like to use the term “Ultra-Moderns” for contemporary gaming & gear…


That is basically my point: technically, by the commonly accepted meaning of the term, it is. Except that it really was (still) a modern tank when the term was coined, but today, it’s far from.

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Think we should now introduce, cold war till 1990, and the, many wars since 1991.

22 vehicle 19 user’s

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