How many can you get right?
I only got 10 right. All 10 with country so, 20 points.
22 points (not eleven vehicles with their countries right, but a few where I did get the vehicle but not the country, and the other way round). A lot of these are too modern for me, I’m afraid.
19, so 38 total … although, I am not sure I would put Scorpion in as modern lol
- not counting brain farts…
Technically, everything post-Second World War is “modern” when you’re talking about military vehicles. Which was fine into ca. the 1980s–90s, but now is starting to stretch it rather a lot. Maybe we need a new category … Contemporary military vehicles maybe? That’s not going to cause confusion all, I’m sure.
Yep. By that reckoning the T-55 is modern
In the Wargaming hobby, anything post-WWII is considered “Moderns.” However, some like to use the term “Ultra-Moderns” for contemporary gaming & gear…
That is basically my point: technically, by the commonly accepted meaning of the term, it is. Except that it really was (still) a modern tank when the term was coined, but today, it’s far from.
Think we should now introduce, cold war till 1990, and the, many wars since 1991.
22 vehicle 19 user’s