I have the Lindberg 1/24 2006 Dodge Charger Police car and am doing a 2 tone body I masked and the tape residue stuck to the already painted first color. I am using Tamiya TS lacquer rattle can spray. What works to remove tape residue.
I had a similar problem on a two-tone build a while back, and what I discovered is that not much takes tape residue off without damaging the paint.
Try using the same tape to pull off the residue. If that doesn’t work, try freezing it, If that doesn’t work, depending on the paint you use, you might use a Q Tip and alcohol to get if off.
Somewhere I heard use car wax or car polish? Tamiya lacquer is very robust…it has been painted a few weeks ago so must be cured pretty good?
Odorless mineral spirits. If you used lacquer you should be good but as always test first on a paint mule or inconspicuous spot on the model .
What type of masking tape did you use?
Swab or paper towel wrapped around the end of your finger dipped in warm water and dish soap will work.
I used 3M blue painters tape, I usually use Tamiya tape but it was a large area…3M is now in the trash.I had the whole body in warm dishwater with Dawn and no luck.I also tried swabs, no luck.
I thought for sure water would remove 3M paper tape residue but guess not. Thanks for posting this problem solving trial here because it may happen to us as well
It works good. I tried it on a lacquer painted sample from years ago, same paint and color, and no ill effects. Here is my results on the body, so far so good, thanks!
Consumer Reports stated that Frogtape is the best masking tape for painters as it leaves no residue and paint does not bleed underneath when masked properly. The trick is to peel it off the tape before the paint is dry to prevent a ridge forming over the tape’s edge.
I’ll have to give this stuff a try on my police car with tape residue. (What is it with police cars? ) I painted it with Tamiya paints as well, and in my experience, NOTHING bothers Tamina spray lacquers. With my luck, this will strip it right down to the bare plastic!
Glad to see that the Mineral Spirits worked. The general rule is just don’t use anything that you can thin the type of paint.
I gave up using any other type besides Tamiya tape and a few trusted brands of craft tape I’ve tested. For large areas I use their 40mm tape. For even larger coverage I’ll fold paper towel in half and tape it to the surface for full coverage.
That worked great. Good to know
I used the 3M blue for years and this is the first time it did this, I always use Tamiya tape or paper masks taped up or a combination of paper and tape. This was a first for me AND A LAST! I have been doing this since 10 years old in 1963 and still make goofs, I guess I am still able to claim I am human and NOT perfect.
I’m assuming that you’re also a Model Railroader Like I am these days?
No. I build old Blue Box Athearns as statics of engines and liverys from my home in western MA to northern CT area. I last ran a model train about 1962, a Lionel 3 rail Berkshire steam locomotive 2-4-2. I don’t model steam as all I saw as a kid were diesel electric. My grandfather retired from NYC in 1959 at the junction about 3 miles from my house. He was a brakeman then car knocker.
Please when you finish your engine build, please post a picture or two. I’d much appreciate it.
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