New Acrylics Inks !! | KitMaker Network

A colour experience at your fingertips

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

Ugh. Another medium. So now a famous modeler or two will come out with a book or video of the “ink technique” and I’ll get “left behind” if I don’t buy the whole line and adopt it into my tank building. I know, nobody’s holding a gun to my head, but if it’s the latest look you don’t want to be left out…
Keeping up with the Joneses takes the fun out of it. Hell, I still like drybrushing, but I’m afraid to do it since it went out of style…


I hear ya Matt lol. There’s no end to new tools and paints etc, but I can’t keep up and don’t try. I’m comfortable with my way of doing things.
And yeah I still dry brush too ! It hasn’t hurt my models at all, I try to keep it as subtle as possible whether it’s out of style or not I couldn’t care less.

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I meant to say no one has ever said “ hey lay off the dry brushing” on your models dude.

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Inks have been used for some time now by figure painters, I have not seen it yet in armour modelling.

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Yes some of my figure painting friends have been using them for years.,

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So, inks are the secret to blending the different color tones? Is that why my figure painting looks so amateurish? :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Cajun :crocodile:

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lol I have no idea Terry, I don’t use them but I’m sure there are tutorials online about their use. I still have trouble with acrylics when it comes to my figures.


Inks are used for bordering, defining, fine detail shading, and making figures “pop out.”

Unlike a wash that is subtle, colored inks are way more pronounced in color and flow a lot better than thinned colored paint. Being a liquid, using colored inks makes them similar to using Gundam markers because the richness and flow of the inks gets into areas, crevices, panel lines, wrinkles and folds that thinned paints cannot.

These aren’t my figures (professional painters), but you can see how the inks make the armor and details pop out. All the black lines…that could be inks used on the gold plate armor, jacket and helmet seams, wolf fur, eyes and eyebrows, and the strands of blond hair. Washes can change the color of the base color instead of settling into the valleys with color like the hair strands. Washes are applied to large areas…inks to very small areas to color them.

Colored inks are often sold individually and not in a box set. Thus, you get to choose which inks you want to buy.

Parcel Miniatures’ female war photographer and Big Child’s 75mm Silverwolf.