New Flyhawk tank kit

Flyhawk just released a 1/72 BT-7 and is now available:

Reason I probably will NOT buy this kit: suddenly really HIGH price; turret has hatches molded shut (apparently 3D turret has one hatch open, but that feature is only available in the “deluxe” release, and you have to pay extra just to have an open hatch)! :rage:
:smiley: :canada:

Hey Leo, have you had a look at HobbyEasy yet? They have the limited edition kit on pre-order for CDN$15.00 less than the price above. That’s still a lot for such a small tank.

Jan :wink: :beers:

Guess it depends on what the shipping comes to. The shipping from China on ebay is a maximum of $3. What’s the shipping from Hobby Easy?
:smiley: :canada:

Hobby Easy’s shipping + kit would be less than $30

HobbyEasy shipping varies with size, weight and method (air or surface). If you have an account you could check it out. The last surface shipment it took seven weeks and was the MSTA and Leopards 2A7+ and cost a little over CDN$13.

How is that even possible? The kit alone is $34.66! :thinking: :exploding_head:
:smiley: :canada:
Anyway, besides the unusually high cost, there is the turret hatches molded shut, or turret hatches molded open question and questionable 3D parts, I will wait for a complete review.

??? How is CDN$13.00 possible for shipping??? The Vespid 2A7+ was CDN$23.62 and MSTA M2 was $17.12 to purchase.

I’m not sure I understand your reply. My point was that, steviecee stated Hobby Easy’s kit plus shipping would be under $30, yet the kit alone is advertised at $34.66…there seems to be a slight discrepancy.

Guess he’ll have to answer that as I believed you were addressing the question to me. BTW, I checked out the air shipping cost on the Vespid Leopard 2A7V alone and it would be HK$128 or CDN$22.08. I’d surmise the box size and weight of the BT-7 would be less than the 2A7V? Didn’t check the surface shipping cost though. EDIT Registered Surface cost for the above would be HK$29.60 or CDN$10.28.

I restrict most of my model shopping to Chinese vendors on ebay. Their prices (on Chinese made products…and most good brands are Chinese now) are usually very good, and shipping VERY low (or free).
:smiley: :canada: