It looks as if Italeri is planning to release a new tool 1:32 scale Macchi MC.202 Folgore this year

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at
It looks as if Italeri is planning to release a new tool 1:32 scale Macchi MC.202 Folgore this year
Hope this comes out nice. I have two of the old 21st Century Toy kits but they have operating features in accordance with their toy origin so while nice enough looking just are not up to the standard of current kits.
How many times can I click the LOVE emoji button???
Apart from a New tool Beaufighter and an any tool Jag I didn’t think there were any aircraft I’d want to see in 1/32 but this has just proved me wrong, I want one.
I’d hit the pre-order button if it were anyone other than Italeri. They really have the opportunity to create something spectacular. I’m in the wait and see camp but hoping.
As long as the tires aren’t rubber and they don’t pack those tires on top of the plastic sprues it should be okay.