New user here - my Tamiya 1/48 F-4B (WIP)

New user here, just thought I’d share one of four kits currently “on the bench” in my mancave.

I’m still making steady progress, but the decals (stencils more accurately) are a mojo-killing combination of boring and tedious. One thing I learned long ago is to NOT push through when feeling either way. Instead take a break, do something else, and come back later.

So the decaling process is taking far longer than it should.

Some evidence that at least an attempt was made to paint some markings instead of decals. But this kit has a different type of them than previous Tamiya kits, they are very nice although fragile compared to older kits.


Yes. Mine sat on the bench for awhile when I realized how many stencils there were. I came back to it and did them all in a couple of weeks. So I know where you’re coming from.

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Welcome Ed and with a lovely looking F4 as well … Nice. One of my all time fav birds … Hopefully I will starting my F4 soon once I get some Jolly Rogers decals for her.


Looks to be a stunning effort so far. well-done and welcome.


It’s looking great.
Just keep your pace, come back later, no rush.

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Welcome aboard!

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Welcome to the Kitmaker Family, Ed! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome and very nice build so far, please keep posting progress.

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Welcome !
Looking good !
But who doesn’t love a Phantom build ?

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