NEWS: Academy 1/35 UH-60M

Academy has announced the next iteration of their 1/35 Black Hawk helicopter. It will be a US Army UH-60M, which is the latest/current version.

No box art yet, but here are the new sprues. It looks like two new sprues w/the M model parts to add to their earlier Black Hawk parts.

It looks like the first sprue includes new parts such as upturned exhausts, IP and controls, rotor blades with downturned tips, larger step sponson ends, and lots of smaller update parts.

The second sprue looks like it may have parts for a 160th SOAR MH-60M. I think I see a nose radar, FLIR ball, and downturned ESSS wings, among other parts. We shall see.

More detail pics here:

Unfortunately, it looks like the original Academy interior parts, where there are no details at all. I may have to add the new Academy M parts to a KH H-60, or add the KH interior to the Academy M (like I did in my early UH-60A).


it’s nice to see they’re putting some effort in, possibly due to peer pressure by other companies producing never kits but the lack of detailed interior is worrying.

thanks for posting the news about this kit Gino

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And continuing to bump it to the top until someone finally replied. :rofl:

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A builtup model of it and boxart from the Nuremburg Toy Show.