NEWS: Trumpeter 1/35 Kamov Ka-29B Helix-B

Will it fit under the Christmas tree? Who cares! It’ll go along side the Hinds I have, and the Huey. Without the news.

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Nice and very much out of the blue. Never saw this coming.

Trumpeter announcement.

KA-52 or a Mi-28 would have been a better seller IMHO. Both are are missing in 1/48th as well.

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I’m really waiting to see when they release the Kitty Hawk H-60 Hawks and H-6 Little Birds that they supposedly bought when KH went belly up. Hopefully we will see them soon.

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These are now available. Sprue Brothers just got them in. There are a bunch on eBay as well.


Well, if there’s an emphasis towards helicopters in 1:35 then I certainly won’t moan; 'very pleased to see this one although it’s not for me especially. I have a vague dream of a Westland Scout, but in the meantime, bring 'em on!