North Korean Armour Kits

Trumpeter seems to have dried up in releasing ant new Russian armour. The only company I can hope will release 1/35th scale kits of these little known NKA beasts would be Amusing Hobbies. Any thoughts?

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I was honestly not aware that there were scale models of North Korean armored vehicles.

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NK armor kits rom Amusing Hobbies? Never going to happen.
Of course, it would be great to be wrong. :slight_smile:

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NorK vehicles from any Chinese company not likely to happen. This after several attempts to convince a few that the Koksan would be easy to do.

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Not armour
the only kit depicting anything DPRK that I know about …

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It looks stunningly like the their Scud - B. Even the sprue layout and part numbers are the same.

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It does, doesn’t it :grin:
Could be because the Hwasong (different versions) are improved copies of the SCUD

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Looks like a skud

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And this one: DPRK Pukguksong-2, HobbyBoss 84544 (2020)

But that’s about it.


Problem is that only a few can get close to DPRK armour. Perhaps the only chance is to get to a DPRK parade. I watched some TV reports about tourist traveld to DPRK. They are constant surveillance by “tour guides” and I don´t think that tourist routes go even near a DPRK military installation. AAAAh the blessings of a Stalinist regime… :grin:


Just add some DPRK decals.

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MIG Productions had a convention kit for Trumpeter T-62 M62 Kit No. 01548
T 62 M62 / N. Korea Chonma-Ho

MIG 35-374

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How could I forget about that one …
Thanks :+1: :smiley:

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Forgot this one: It is not called Chonma-Ho, But Iraq modification on T-62 M62

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There is this - I’m guilty of forgetting about 1/72 scale sometines:

And of course this one. Accuracy is obviously a bit dubious:

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Just noticed that Best Resins has released this pleasant surprise. There is even a Glorious Leader half figure to insert int the driver’s position. Now if only we could see it in 1/35th scale.

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