Number of passenger trains in the United States vs. Europe

That’s what I would take when I lived in Northport and Huntington, although I can’t remember which town the actual station was in. Most likely Huntington had their own - I’m sure Northport did not.

Yes I’m all too familiar with people trying to dodge paying their fare. I’m a conductor on the LIRR and was in passenger service til about 6 years ago when I switched to our Road Freight dept. No more crazy drunk passengers to deal with! Just flagging and work trains now til I retire in 3 years.

@18bravo . Northport and Huntington have their own stations yes. That’s the Port Jefferson branch.


Yes that was the LIRR mainline. They just renovated Mineola station in the process of adding a third track to the Mainline and it looks great.

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Yup. I’m on it everyday although I’m heading East now instead of west which is great, no where near as much traffic going that way in the morning. Nice peaceful ride!

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Ah. We lived on Makamah Beach Road in Northport, right on the sound. Still a bit of a drive to get to the station as I remember. I think Huntington Station was closer to us when we lived there. If I had had to go into the city every day I know I’d have been taking it daily. Also good for carousing, don’t have to worry about getting home.

By the way, the KFC in Amityville was the last one I ever saw that still sold gizzards.

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Northport is very nice as are most towns on the north shore of Long Island. The last job I worked in passenger service was a diesel job that started out of Port Jeff and went through North Port Great job.
The next station west of Nortport is Huntington- which is where electric trains end and diesels take over. No third rail power after Huntington

Amityville is on the south shore yes. I think KFC stop selling gizzards and chicken livers in the 70s.

Good to see so many fellow Islanders! I grew up on the Montauk branch in a house that backed onto the tracks so I knew the schedules by sound…

Because half the town took the train to the city each day we had the phenomenon of car battery thefts in the station parking lot - they’d grab batteries one week, and then came back the next week knowing the cars all had new batteries worth more money! This was the 1970s so CCTV wasn’t yet a thing.

I miss the old blue & white Geeps and power-cabs - I was gutted when the fleet of my youth was replaced.

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As a kid I always found the electric trains with the overhead set up interesting. My kin lived in Walldorf just south of Frankfurt.

When American Airlines opened the RDU to Paris route, I talked my folks into taking that flight and a train ride from Paris to Frankfurt. I think the flight was shorter.


When I hired on in 96 there was still a bunch of those old engines in blue and white livery. I think they were GP-38s. Some were blue and yellow. And the Harold protect engines were orange and black. They are no more……

I grew up about 2 miles north of Great River station on the Montauk branch. My Dad still has the house there.

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To me Railroad is not only connected to passenger trains.
An important part is the maintenance of the trackway. We have a lot of interesting machines to do this job.

Also one reason to go to the train station is the fact that you can find there a lot of US Army vehicles on trains.


I don’t remember if I posted it, but I began an entire rail grinding train about two years ago. THe cab had to be modified. And there it circuitry available to msake it look like the grinding cars are actually crinding.


Impressions from my trip to Plzen in 2018.


Deutsche Bahn Regionalexpress


Shunting Locomotives from Deutsche Reichsbahn


Trackway construction/maintenance trains.


What is the name of this

and where can I find more photos?

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Rottage car, whatever that means.

I could imagine that it is used to replace rotted out ties/sleepers,
deteriorated concrete ties may also need replacement.
A rail mobile crane can be used for a lot of tasks …


Thanks. :+1: