Thank you Hermann.
Nice to see the IBG 1/72 Spitfires, Trumpeter/I Love Kit/Hobby Boss HMS Lord Clive and USS Stevens.
Well I didn’t understand a confounded thing the host said (German narrative) except " distressed skin" which coincidentally was on a HE 111, the first model that really caught my attention. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love veiwing built models, it takes me back to my youngster years, I confess I literally get a thrill out of seeing 72nd scale WWII airplanes, 35th scale armor is just too cool and race cars, low profile, colorful and powerful . . . . Crap! I want to build 'em all and have my own 2500 square foot gallery but it’ll never happen, ahh that’s what dreams are for. Great video if you love scale models.
@agincajun Hit the CC ‘Closed Caption’ button then the cog and change it to auto translate English, it’s not perfect but you can work out what’s being said.
Ah you British chaps are pretty dang clever, thanks for the tip, now I get see the models all over again! Sweet
I’ve only had a brief glimpse (and thanks for posting Hermann) but I take it from this that the AFV Club M110A2G won’t be coming with the canvas, just the hoops; shame if that turns out to be the case.
No problem with this issue, it only takes some tissue paper to cure this.
Nice video. Best listened to at 2x speed.
Here’s another that highlights other kits there:
The last shot is pretty cool.
No, I’m sure it’s an easy enough fix - up to a point; but would it have killed AFV Club to what? Add an extra half dozen pieces of plastic to effect this? We all know the kit will be quite expensive - which is fair enough - but c’mon!
You just can´t look inside the minds of Asian modelmakers. I tried a few times but failed.
Agree Brian, this is a half-assed effort on AFV’s part. They really dropped the ball. It would have been so easy to include the canvas. A shame,really.
I didn’t see a single thing in that video that would get me to reach into my wallet
the Kotare 1/32 Bf 109k looks good to me. Competing with ZM’s BF109G14
The Border HE 111 looked fantastic.
Looks like it is raining large scale plastic this year.