Ohne Mampf kein Kampf

I am really glad that I didn´t bought the HO gauge Feldküche from Preiser. :wink:

at 1:82, those meat chunks will be tiny!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have now Riich´s Feldküche on my bench. What about a new dish? Erbsensuppe maybe? But don´t look for the right size of the peas! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

If the soup is made right, no peas will be recognized :wink:

But how about the Wurst and the Speck?

Something says to me that Wurst was not included and the dices of Speck are too small to be discerned…

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Bratwurst & Frikadellen bitte

Thank god Aldi and Lidl came over to the UK :grin:

With chips?

haha … yes, with mayo or currywurst…

There was a little corner shop in Windsor, that used to sell nothing but a selection of German food products … was heaven

Legendary Bundeswehr Erbseneintopf contains also Bockwurst.
@Johnnych01 What do you eat in the Army?

I was war, so things might have been slightly different… I prefer the Dutch smoked sausage btw


nothing that the army chefs make lol.

I only use the mess occasionally now, but in Germany our cookhouse was quite good and always had a selection of German meals on offer. And when I was out there as a married person, we shopped in the NAAFI for UK food, but we also shopped in the local German stores 50% of the time, so we always tried to eat German based meals or eat out at local taverns/restaurants


Go with Alclad Stainless steel in the cauldron.

I can… And I’m getting hungry. :yum:

I could imagine the goulash would be dependent on what was available in the supply train at the time. Potatoes were very plentiful, with meat and assorted vegetables tossed in with salt and pepper and maybe some other spices.

It’d be an interesting mush to shovel into your mouth while in the rear and wash it down with some red wine taken from some cellar that got “liberated”.

You don’t see a lot of dioramas focusing on the mundane aspects of war… vehicle maintenance, logistics, soldiers resting in between battles; but this would be a good centerpiece to a diorama about the less romanticized element of war.

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That picture reminded me of a certainly wet and cold November morning in Iraq; walking out of the chow hall at Camp Scania with a cup of black coffee in hand and a plate of food as I went back to my Humvee as my squad ate together before yet another patrol up and down MSR Tampa. wet food, cold weather and feeling miserable… But at least the coffee was good. :+1:

Interesting subject matter, and welcomed!
Dave :slightly_smiling_face:

A past build with the Goulash Canon mounted on rubber tires behind the Krupp.


NVA Feldküche 180/72 99% finished. Now I have to dig out my TFK250 Bundeswehr Feldküche build.


From the scratchbuild shelf of doom. Kärcher TFK 250, lying dormant for plus 15 years.