Old D & D figures - new paint

My group focused on AD&D. In the beginning we had one guy who was into tabletop minis. However, he was a total a-hat and we parted ways. I attempted to get people involved with the Traveller sci-fi rpg (I had a lot of those figs but they were stolen years ago) but they would have none of it.

So, I secretly started incorporating the Call of Cthulhu rpg into my D&D campaign so I could play another game I wanted them to play without them realizing it. Oh, I also added some Warhammer ‘Realm of Chaos’ stuff into the mix, so I was able to have this in my D&D campaign:

I sold nearly all my minis years ago, these guys included. But, I have an unbuilt Tyrannid warrior.

I still have this Ral Partha Balrog

and Tsathoggua

Hey, who remembers this lady?

This was one of my favorite official D&D figs because of the sculpting on the expression

And not D&D but who had any of these?


I never used any of the Star Trek minis, but a group in my dorm and I played a several rounds of Starfleet Battles. Really neat game.


@brekinapez , I really hope you kept those orcs, in the last photo. Outstanding painting.

The lady looks familiar. Can’t place her though. Ral Partha, Grenadier, who is the company that made her?

Last night I took my first photos of a model since we sold the house back in May. Pathetic “studio” but I’ve started clearing off enough stuff that it’s getting plausible to set up a small photo area when I need it. I think I’ll take the time to photograph the D&D figures this weekend. One of them is from the Grenadier set, I don’t remember what it’s called, but it has the shambling mound and the vampire. The vampire is what one best of show for figures c.1985. back when I had 20/12 uncorrected vision, steady hands, and knew how to use 00000 paint brushes, I got in there and put a lot of detail into the mouth and teeth. Some guy actually wanted to give me $30 for it. I kept it. When I looked at it a couple weeks ago, I was wondering what happened to the best of show winning quality that I remembered. It ain’t there no more LOL.

Ive got federation, klingon, and kzinti for star fleet battles/federation commander. I was the guy buying wargames and now mini games. The minis battle for time with models.

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Kzintis - I had forgotten about them. They’re the lion people race, right? I do not remember much about them other than the were formidable.

They looked a bit more bobcat-ish to me, but yes they were felid. They were based on a race created by author Larry Niven. Niven himself adapted it for the animated series episode, “The Slaver Weapon”.

I had a few of those minis but I adapted them to use in the FASA rpg’s fleet battle supplement.