Oshkosh Defense Logistics Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR) reference library

That is the US Army/DARPA OpFires launcher truck. The OpFires hypersonic missiles have been tested and work, so it makes logical sense to use the 5x5 Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) for other purposes and missiles.

My main interest is in how large can the future US Army (and Marine) surface-to-surface missiles can get to increase attack range. The Long-range Hypersonic Missile (LRHW) can fly out to 1,725 miles and that is the longest range surface-to-surface missile in the US Army’s inventory and requires a very long trailer to transport. The LRHW is only slightly longer range than a Tomahawk cruise missile. No current US Army land-based missile has breached the 2,000-mile range, so having this 5x5 TEL might be the answer to transport a much larger diameter and longer ballistic missile.


US Army’s Dark Eagle Long-range Hypersonic Missile trailer with two hypersonic missiles.