P-38J Lightning-7th FS, 20th FG Kingscliffe UK 1944

An old kit that dates back to the mid 70s and into the 80s. The kit decals are worthless so I am purchasing Iliad decals for a P-38J, My Dad, of the 20th FG, 7th FS in Kingscliffe UK 1944. It’s a P-38J in olive drab over neutral gray cammo scheme. Here is the kit and some work on the cockpit.


Here is the scheme on the Iliad sheet.

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I have the wing top-fuselage added and the machine guns and nose doors installed. I super glued 5 oz. of fishing weights in front of the cockpit and in the nose around the machine guns where ever I could fit them. I ordered the decals last night.

I have the canopy on and the nose doors puttied. I have also started work on the twin booms. Engines installed and booms assembled, 3 oz of weight in each boom by the front of each engine.

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The booms are added to the fuselage, stabilizer connecting both tails is on, ready for more putty.


She slowly comes together, Jon! Good job so far! :+1:

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I have added the outer horizontal stabilizer parts to the tail, weight to the forward section of the drop tanks, added them to the build then started masking to paint the bottom neutral gray.