Paint Cross Matching by FS number, RAL number or some other reference

Please post Any current paint cross matching charts here for ease of future reference.
If a chart becomes unavailable, I will drop the link and try to find the chart through another site.

ModelShade color conversion chart


HobbyLand Colour Table
Includes RAL and British standard charts.*

Federal Standard color chips

Video on best panzer gray model colors available.

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From AK Inteactive, a quite comprehensive chart.

There’s an app in the PlayStore (I guess iOS also), Hobby Color Converter, very helpful. Not only color conversion charts,some other useful stuff.


WW2 Japanese Army vehicle colors

Tamiya Paint Database – IDF AFV colours – Replikator

Yeah, some paint matching charts have me shaking my head. Especially when I have both paints on a chart and one looks nothing like the other aside from being in the same general color family.
The paint mixing charts on the other hand can be quite useful.

USAAF Color Codes: Researching the Origins of WWII Camouflage Colors and Aircraft Finishes - AirCorps Art

Some IDF information. The description of Sanai gray may explain some of the differences we see in that shade.
IDF Modelling - Which colour for your IDF vehicle ?

Israeli tanks come in a variety of colors, including Sinai Grey, IDF Modern Grey, and IDF Early Sand Yellow:

  • Sinai Grey: An olive color that has changed shades over time and is used by the IDF. The paint job for Sinai Grey tanks varies by unit and commander, who may incorporate local colors into the paint.
  • IDF Modern Grey: Introduced in 1981, this is the current paint for the IDF.
  • IDF Early Sand Yellow: Used in the late 1950s and 1960s, this color was common on tanks like the AMX-13 and Shermans until the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

Israeli tanks also have markings that indicate the tank’s battalion, brigade, and company:

  • Battalion

The number of rings on the cannon barrel indicates the battalion. For example, one ring for the first battalion, two rings for the second battalion, and so on.

  • Brigade

A symbol around the battalion number on the mud guard indicates the brigade. For example, a square represents the 401st brigade, a shield represents the seventh brigade, and a star represents the 188th brigade.

  • Company

A white V-shaped symbol painted on the sides of the vehicle indicates the company. The direction the chevron points indicates which company the tank belongs to. For example, pointing down indicates the first company, pointing forward indicates the second company, and pointing up indicates the third company.

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Scalemates color and paint range chart
Paint ranges - Paint and colors for scale modelers

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