PaK Waffenfarbe

Would the crew of an Anti tank gun (wheeled) in an infantry division wear red Waffenfarbe (artillery), or white Waffenfarbe (infantry)?
:smiley: :canada:

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As I understand it, it depends on the parent unit and the unit association. A PaK support unit attached to a battalion would wear the waffenfarbe of that unit ā€“ white for an infantry batallion, green for a panzergrenadier battalion, red for an artillery battalion ā€“ while a dedicated panzerjager battalion attached to a division would wear the pink waffenfarbe of the panzerjager troops, irrespective of the type of division to which it was attached.

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So I could use white, red, or green, and be correct? Iā€™m working from a photograph and the division symbol is not visible, nor noted. The Waffenfarbe of the crew is also not visible, or clear. The only thing that is obvious is that it is Eastern Front (either Center, or Southern), and no later than summer 1942.
:smiley: :canada:

I was working primarily from this photo:
But then I found this photo which appears to be the same crew seconds before, or seconds later. Also identifies the unit as Gross Deutschland: so I guess green Waffenfarbe;

Cuff titles, being on the right sleeve, are just not visible in these photographs.
:smiley: :canada:

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I only read recently that Panzer Grenadier troops had Pink Waffenfarbe until October 1942 then Green was used. I had always thought Green. Anybody else know about this ?

According to this: GD Straps I could use either white, or red, depending on which year I want.
:smiley: :canada: