Panther G #125 Ardennes Camo

Hey Stikpusher

Actually this camo was quite in fashion from September till October 1944 with all major Panther producers. It seems each maker had a distinctive verity of such pattern formats they developed and would apply in this timeframe … which is also reflected in the Tiger II production run during this period (4 different patterns). My thinking is that this pattern used by Daimler-Benz must have been applied to a couple of their tanks … maybe a dozen or so ? … Panther #215 being the most “researched” to my knowledge.
Anyway … I don’t mind reproducing #215 … but if there is proof of an alternative I wouldn’t mind giving that one a try.
This is how far I have gotten … my first WW2 model since approx. 15 years …

Thankx & Cheers