Panzers 3D printing corner

Hi Ezra,
I’ve printed the Russian Cope Cage on my Elegoo, and these seem useable with some extensive clean-up:

I don’t know why but the middle section had some printing error issues having too many supports.

I am going to try some other angles and revise the support positions to get rid of the errors.
Also, I’ll post some more photos after the clean-up. Thank you.

Kind regards,


That looks awesome James! Im glad you were able to do something with my files. :grin:

Hi Ezra,
Here’s what it looks like after taking it off the supports and some sanding. A lot more to go though. The bars were thin and kept breaking while cleaning with sand paper and Exacto knife…


Seems like printing the base structure with spaced divots to help place plastic rod after might be the way to go at least in the 3 panel section.

Sure, Ryan, I’m going to try different angles to print as well later. The middle part with some printing errors are beyond the repair, so I’ll need to replace them altogether with some Evergreen strips.

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It’s fine, it the “Post-Impact” version.