Hi folks, I have “barely” begun with my M60-quartet and I am already running into trouble.
I have 3 IDF M60’s and 1 US-version. And I need/want to turn that around, so I need “US”-parts, like smokedischargers, turretboxes and a Hoffman device.
As a long shot I also need a set of M48 tracks, rubberband will do just fine and the turret stowage bin of an M47.
Anyone out there who has these as spares??
Any help will be greatly appreciated plus any costs will be paid for, of course!
Ron, looks like Reynier may be able to help. I have those spare parts (smoke dischargers, turret boxes, and a Hoffman device) and can CAD and 3D print them also - except for the M47 stowage bin. I think the most expensive part will be the postage - if shipping anything outside of the US, it would cost around 20 USD - not to mention the annoying customs form. If it turns out to be as expensive as getting a whole new kit, what I’d do is get an extra sprue from eBay, then resin cast the odd shaped ones (e.g. smoke dischargers) and scratch-build the easy parts (e.g. turret boxes). Let me know if you need any help from me.
Hi James, yes postage from the across the world would make it a no-go. So I am hoping someone from Europe might chime in.
I failed to notice Reynier also has the US flag.