“Pet Peeves”

I agree. I laugh when someone post built OOB except… Then it isn’t OUT OF BOX unless you mean you took the sprues out of the box - LOL


Sounds like a guy I knew on another few sites… he was eventually booted for such behavior.
Truth is the first casualty of modeling :wink:


@Stikpusher Some people just don’t take criticism well. Rather than learn, they attack. That’s an individual thing that could be due to any number of reasons.
In my line of work I work with a few kids with varying degrees of autism, ADHD, etc and any kind of feedback on errors or misconceptions with their work has to managed carefully. The slightest little mistake can be like the end of the world to them. You have to develop an individual approach to helping and guiding them. And even then it’s not 100% successful!
In online interaction, it’s much more difficult to do that, so we have incidents like the Shackleton argument. I don’t know if he had any of those traits but it’s always possible. I can sort of see it from his point of view though. Working hard at something like that and told it’s wrong isn’t easy.


I feel the same way about Navy aircraft. What people do not realise is that planes are washed every 14 days and cleaned by hand from there planecaptian.



Stephen I hear ya about certain folks needing a gentler approach. And I understand about some folks pouring all the efforts into the latest fad “realism” techniques only to be told that it’s not reality. Like pro wrestling, recruiters selling the naive about military service life, or “reality tv”, it happens…


So you want to join the Navy. :rofl::rofl:

That would be a nice little vignette.


I totally agree with you.
The only stuff I’ve seen chip and flake are the displays at outdoor museums due to years of just rotting in the Israeli sunshine

But from those chips I made sure that I sent them to people who made model paints for the hobby.

Other then that you might find chipping from rounds that impacted the vehicle… .

But I guess verlindan mig and the rest of the artist influencers out there didn’t serve in combat…

Just sayin…


Not to mention that they make and sell all those products that are utilized in their techniques. :wink:


You said it … I just insinuated it :joy:
Back in the mid 80’s I got called out for pre shading, I also started airbrush dry brushing which made people angry in some arenas, but today it’s become else if it isn’t in the style of the M then it’s not a good kit. I’ve even read kit reviews where the reviewers spend more time talking about who’s systems and techniques they used in the actual building of the model and its problems or pluses. Sometimes I truly understand why the hobby is just alone personal thing


Same for the Chinooks at Odiham when I was there. They were usually full washed about every 14 days.

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…and that about sums it up for me.

But a far more serious pet peeve (or grievance, perhaps) lurks within a number of the youtube build / review videos. I fully appreciate the time it takes to prep a video for publication, but please, at the very least, take a minute and clean up under those fingersnails folks. :roll_eyes: :grin:



As a veteran of the Israeli defense Force I decided to build models of all the equipment I worked on so is the m107 m110 m109 etc a few trucks and jeeps and the like and at the time I was living in Florida and showing the guys at the local hobby shop a scratch built version of an Israeli m109 that I’d served on including the numbers I mean I actually went and cut numbers out of decal sheet to do the proper number because there were no stencils back then there were no verlinden rub offs. And some guy comes over and says that’s all wrong the m109 doesn’t look like that what are you crazy? Said no I’m Israeli well I know is really stuff and that’s not it and then I started pulling out the photographs back in the day when photographs were photographs showing me standing right in front of the M109 I was modeling. I sure love know-it-alls and rivet counters people telling me I’m wrong that’s why my name is on the instruction sheets of most of the AFV club IDF stuff :joy:


Actually, come to think of it i do have a pet peeve. Being that the f4U corsair is a favorite of mine it bugs the hell out of me when i see modelers paint the inside of the wheel wells and covers interior green. they are supposed to be the color of the underside, either insignia white or sea blue depending on the scheme being done, same with the landing gear. then like phantoms case i’m afraid of saying anything because how they take it. usually i do anyway-lol.
I also agree with the panel line shading, way overdone in some cases.



That cosy and warm feeling of utter satisfaction when a ‘know-it-all’ gets photos showed in his face.
:+1: :grin:


I can’t remember whether it was recounted on this board or another, but the best verbal come-back I can recall reading about was at a show where some “expert” looked at a model of an Army Air Corps Lynx and informed the builder that the particular aircraft depicted was not fitted with certain equipment; the builder responded “Well it was when I was flying it yesterday…”



Or the ipms judge telling me that I pronounced Merkava wrong and laughing in his face with his pronunciation of MurCuvah
and showing him my Israeli ID card


So true…If I say it took me 10 hours to do something on a model. Take that number, double it, then add 20% and that’s probably a more accurate figure :grimacing:


Oh my god … :see_no_evil:I will hold my hands up to being guilty of that as well … How’s it pronounced correctly Robert ?


There’s a guy on this very site who’s had that happen to him a few times. You can’t say “SF doesn’t do that” if you’re not SF.