Philippine Army M113 with Remote Control Weapon Station (RCWS)

Hey folks. I recently built another vehicle used by our armed forces - the Philippine Army M113 with Remote Control Weapon Station (RCWS). The base kit is the Academy Kit with the RCWS turret coming from Odyssey 3D Prints (they have a FB website). Tracks are 3D printed by a fellow local modeler. Thanks for looking!


Something very cool and unique. Nice how just a simple conversion/addition can add a whole new story to the APC. Nice job! :grinning:

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This is similar to these M-113s upgraded with Israeli-made RCWS made by Elbit Systems.


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Thanks Peter :slight_smile: It’s great that we have 3D printers nowadays - it’s easier to build uncommon vehicles by printing out additional parts or entire kits

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That’s because they are indeed Elbit System upgrades.

We’ve gotten several of their RCWS systems and have also purchased an entirely new vehicle from them-: the Sabrah


has the PAF considered buying some of the new Eitan vehicles being built by Israel?

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Looks really cool, the Sabrah. I can see the USMC needing this light tank.

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Unique and nicely done model. That last photo looks almost 1/1 scale

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Thanks Kosprueone :slight_smile: There are other M113 RCWS versions out there that I hope to get around to doing soon.