If I recall correctly, the Me 163 was a good flyer and better glider. If the center of gravity is right through the entire fuel consumption profile, that replica should be fun to fly. Given the modern engine, it may even have pretty good range. Unlike most single engine aircraft, if the engine dies, gliding to a safe landing should be a breeze. I wonder if it will include any changes to make take off and landing easier. At least the pilot need not worry about melting.
Ain’t this just too cool?? And I was excited by the non-powered replicas flying.
New FW 190s were (are being?) built and flying. Full-scale ME 262 replicas are flying, as are Yaks.
What next? What will the next person or consortium with deep pockets bring back to the air? The only American fighter that’s not flying it is the P-61 Black Widow, and I keep waiting for its first flight. So what next? A Tempest or Typhoon? I am hoping for some Japanese birds. Ki-61 would be great!
Doug, Indeed fuel tanks full of C Stoff & T Stoff would definitely add an “excitement” factor to flying
@JPTRR Fred, seems like some folks a very serious money to spend on their “real” air plane hobby. Definitely would be cool to see some Japanese planes and or Italian say a C. 202 Folgore.
I’d attend an air show to watch that fly.
Oh no. Please stop me… I’m going to tell on myself.
I used to work with a guy who builds ultra lights and home builds. I was fresh from my job as a freight dog flying DC threes. Somehow we got into but I thought was good nature really turned out to be quitting and bickering. He had built some models and they were… well amateur level. I made fun of them. He countered with “I don’t waste my time building models, I spend my time building airplanes I can fly in.” I think he got me, but I took a little of the sting out by reminding him that I used to be paid to fly the airplanes that he always talked about wanting to fly. We are still friends, he still a good guy, and flies around in a Kolb Fire Star that sports a paint job that I custom designed for him. I even got a ride in it. He’s a very conscientious and talented welder and mechanic. If the love of decency abided within me, I would have spent my misspent youth and middle age learning how to build airplanes from him. I guess I still can, he and a friend still buy wrecked airplanes and rebuild them and sell them.
Back in 2015I met some guys with their Fi-103 at a local airshow. They told me that they want to make it as a leasure plane with a commercial jet engine. But I haven´t follwed this.
A Fi 103? No way! That is just too cool. I hope they get it flying.