Put a Tiger in Your Tank! - Tiger Build Thread

Hoping to end the lack of model building updates late tonight or tomorrow morning. With the wife’s knee replacement has had priority over everything else…even Kali Kat.

Today a leaking drain detrailed my planned bench time but the mail ran, this arrived so minor update.

Overall, I’m pretty well stocked with Tiger reference and have been for ages so it’s rare a Tiger book holds my attention these days enough to buy it.

Excellent book with pictures, description and combat summary organized by Wehrmacht Tiger Battalion generally speaking. Well worth the price of admission. The author’s picture selection is outstanding in my opinion :clap:.

Given the nineteen Tiger I kits in the stash with four more pending shipping, it safe to say this book will get a work out. I could easily see this book driving the inspiration to for a Tiger build from each Wehrmacht Tiger Battalion.

Sampling for discussion only…

Operations summary

Now that’s a crate engine…wink

Organizational numbering etc.

Highly recommend IF your into Tiger’s.

Edit more mail…

Package full of zimmerit sheets from ATAK arrived today! I like ATAK and I think they make an excellent product. Wanted to include comments on the Tiger related ATAK zimmerit.

Tamiya Elefant - On a roll now! Oh my this one absolutely rocks! Elefant zimmerit! It exceeds my expectations! Crisp & detailed!

Tamiya Tiger 1 Otto Carius - sharp & crisp, looks great! Sections that are damaged. Exceeds expectations!