Questions about REFORGER turret plates in 1/72nd

Hello everyone,
For the turret number plates used during REFORGER exercises, I would like to know if you could use the thinnest sheet plastic made, or do you just use custom decals?
What do you think?
Thank you.

You could print them on paper, then glue them to your vehicle. In real life they were just thin plastic stickers, very cheap quality. They often came loose, that’s why you often see them with green
“100 mile an hour” tape holding them on.

Lol, you got that right!
What a pain in the ass they were!

Are you referring to the unit identifier numbers like on the blue square here?

Just a simple decal or appropriately painted paper or foil will suffice. No sheet plastic backing is needed unless your reference shows the insignia applied to some metal backing not part of the vehicle.

Yes you’re correct.