Re-Engined B-52

Maybe someday we really will see one like in Flight of the Old Dog


That would be cool … its such an amazing bit of kit …only seen them 3 times for real, but for them to have been around since the mid 50’s ? … pretty impressive

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Oh Yes! I Tried to Model That one in 144th by grafting A Concorde Nose on a B-52…didn’t look all That Well; Anyway, Hoping Somebody will Print the New Engines in 72nd so we can Upgrade the AMT Kits

Did you do the V tail?

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Yes; Two spare 72nd F-18 Vert Stabilizers

V-tail? Not familiar with that. Was that some reference to “Flight of the Old Dog” or something else?
The BUFF and I are roughly the same age, and hopefully will last just as long!
So the new re-engined birds are now going to be B-52"J"s?
A buddy of mine acquired some Iron bomber (F-mod?) ejection seats when they were cut up for “SALT” talks or whatever. He re-furb’d them and sold them to some of the former occupants over North Vietnam. So there are Buff-drivers that sit in the same seats, in their dens, as the one they flew in over SEA. How cool is that.

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Yes, the book describes in detail all of the modes that were made.
