Maybe someday we really will see one like in Flight of the Old Dog
That would be cool … its such an amazing bit of kit …only seen them 3 times for real, but for them to have been around since the mid 50’s ? … pretty impressive
Oh Yes! I Tried to Model That one in 144th by grafting A Concorde Nose on a B-52…didn’t look all That Well; Anyway, Hoping Somebody will Print the New Engines in 72nd so we can Upgrade the AMT Kits
Did you do the V tail?
Yes; Two spare 72nd F-18 Vert Stabilizers
V-tail? Not familiar with that. Was that some reference to “Flight of the Old Dog” or something else?
The BUFF and I are roughly the same age, and hopefully will last just as long!
So the new re-engined birds are now going to be B-52"J"s?
A buddy of mine acquired some Iron bomber (F-mod?) ejection seats when they were cut up for “SALT” talks or whatever. He re-furb’d them and sold them to some of the former occupants over North Vietnam. So there are Buff-drivers that sit in the same seats, in their dens, as the one they flew in over SEA. How cool is that.
Yes, the book describes in detail all of the modes that were made.