Rescue Models Weathering Stencils | Armorama™

New airbrush stencils with random pattern for making pre- or post shading

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

I’m not understanding the point of these templates. All one has to do is manipulate their airbrush. I’m sure someone will find a use for them.

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Covering the same surface goes much faster using a template.
Yes, very much the same effect can be achieved by narrowing down the pattern of your favourite airbrush, but then you have to paint every single squiggle/dot/etc yourself.
Plus, the airbrushed effect has a tendency to look… airbrushed.

With that said, using a simple piece of corse scotch-brite as a template will also work ok.


Yeah I guess you’re right with respect to the speed at which you can spray the pattern with the template. It might help those that don’t have the dexterity in their hands for whatever reason.

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