Revell 1957 Chevrolet 150 Black Widow

Nothing wrong with building OOB, just have fun if you muck it up it’s just a plastic kit no one died building it, lol.

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@MoramarthT The problem with a lot of AMT kits (as I’m sure you’re aware) is that the molds are over 50 years old, and the fit is so bad that the parts sometimes require extensive modification just to get the darn thing together. MPC can be right up there with AMT in that regard.

@rv1963 Isn’t that what the hobby is supposed to be about? Relaxing & having fun? When I start to stress out about something on a build, I know that’s when I need to step back and take a break.


I 100% agree that’s why I just started back on my build of the Revell 64 thunderbolt, I put it aside for a few years now I am back to it and it is a way better kit than those old AMT’s.

Definitely! I usually start one of the old AMT kits when I “want to torture myself”. Unfortunately, AMT is just about the only game in town when it comes to reasonably priced heavy duty truck kits. The Revell of Germany & Italeri are crazy expensive, and Moebius, while good, seems to have stopped making them.


I think the AMT kits from the late 1980’s are pretty good, just picked up there 1968 hemi Roadrunner I believe it was first produced in 1989, I have not yet started it but it looks way better than their early kits.