Revell 1970 Porsche 917KH

Here is my build of the Revell/Fujimi 1970 Porsche 917KH:

The fit on the kit was sketchy at best. Lots of very small attachment points with questionable locations at times. The rear frame is a prime example of this (lots of small parts & very fiddly assembly). Overall, I am moderately pleased with the results. No, all four tires do not touch the ground at the same time (usually), no, the windshield wiper doesn’t actually touch the windshield, and no, the windows don’t fit into the body. The fit of the rear body to the chassis was a complete nightmare and caused this car to almost be binned at several times. I’ve really liked the 917 for a very long time, and I’ve wanted one in my collection. Am I happy that I have one in my collection? Yes. Would I build this kit again? Absolutely not! Well, here it is, warts & all. Color is Tamiya Italian Red TS-8.

The light has been repaired since this photo was taken.



I think it looks great Jim. :+1::+1:

Thanks, Ryan. It was a fit-fight at the end, but I
kept it off the Shelf of Shame.


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Well the photos show a different story so you’ve overcome the difficulties with the kit really well to achieve a pretty good outcome.


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Thanks, Michael. I appreciate it.


Great build Jim, if you hadn’t told the full story here we wouldn’t ever know the trials and tribulations you faced getting to the result! A warning to those that follow but also a message that with patience, perseverance and skill the rewards will come.

Cheers, D

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Thanks, D. I appreciate the kind words. No, this definitely wasn’t an easy kit to get together, but like I said I’m moderately please with the results.


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You’ve done an outstanding job on building one very difficult Revell (Fujimi) kit. As we discussed before you started the build, the fit of a lot of parts is iffy at best, or worst just plain don’t fit. Looking at your pics, I’d say that You’ve gotten most of them to fit as well as can be expected. From the pictures you succeeded in getting the upper body to actually correctly fit the lower body shell at all four corners, which is something that I couldn’t quite achieve on the Gulf build but did on the Martini build. Go figure that one out !! Detail painting of the rear end really adds quite a lot to the overall presentation. As for the glass, sure looks like you got them all to fit just fine.
Paint and especially the decals turned out great. I’d say that you did one heck of a job.
Justs one very minor issue, and that’s the circle outline for 2nd number on the left upper rear side. I guess that Fujimi gave the option for either or but not both at the same time, yet the other decals don’t have placement aids. Go figure out the reasoning for this.
All and all I really love your build of one of the all time iconic Porsche race cars. Well done my friend, very well done.

Thanks, Joel. Yes, it was a tough build of this very iconic car. Like I stated, I really like the 917, and I’m glad to have it in my collection; but there is no way I’m building another one! If I did decide that I was a “glutton for punishment”, then I’d want to do the Daytona car in the Gulf livery with the roof window.

I took a look on Scalemates at the history on this Fujimi kit, and it looks like this version was originally issued in 2003, with many variations that followed (the 1971 Daytona Gulf car was issued in 2005). Other cars had the rear deck number on the left, unlike this one that was on the right. I probably should have sanded that left one off, but hindsight is 20/20. Looking at the timeline, I find it odd that a kit designed by Fujimi in 2003 fits so poorly, although I do not have a lot of experience with Fujimi kits. You’d think it was based on the 1970 Heller kit, but I hear that one fits worse.
