REVIEW: U.S.S Bainbridge DD-1 | Model Shipwrights


posted on 4 seconds ago

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A great looking review Andy! I wish people were giving more feedback on these content items but I suppose we need to build back a stronger following for that to be a ‘norm’.

Anyway I just wanted to say. I saw it. Good job! :slight_smile:


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Thanks Jim.
Me too, perhaps when the sites are fully ported over the posts will increase.
We could also do with some more features and reviews for Auto Modeler and Model Shipwrights, hopefully once members see how easy it is to do the submissions will come flooding in.
Andy :slight_smile:

I also realized there is a downside to having items scroll one after the other. I can only embed the one discussion feed as the URL of the page determines which topic is pulled from this forum. So when people scroll the the next article below that there is no sign of any comments or even ability to comment.

I think I may turn that feature off for a while and see if that helps. It does show suggested other topics at the bottom now though.
