Reviving Acrylic Flat Coat - Futile?

Reviving Acrylic Flat Coat - Futile?

Paint gurus, please advise!

Yes, I know throw it out and buy another bottle etc is the correct choice. However just as an experiment I’d like to see if the flat coat can be revived.

Six of ten unopened bottles of Acrylic Flat coat had the unopened factory bottle cap seal fail. The pigment settled out and remains but almost all of the thinner or carrier evaporated due to the bad cap seals. Here’s what’s left.

Tested rehydration with Tamiya’s XA-20 Acrylic Thinner. It seemed to work. Flat coat dried flat when applied with a paint brush to painted scrap.

Tested rehydration with Mr Color Leveling Thinner. It seems to work better. Flat coat dried flat when applied with a paint brush to painted scrap.

Remixed and filtered through paint filter, no clumps or sediment left in filter.

Looks useable…viscosity, color etc seems normal again that is like milk.

Thoughts, comments, other thinner suggestions?

Thank you


Good save!
If it works it works …


If it worked that well with the Mr. Color Leveling Thinner then that’s what I would go with for the other bottles.

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Mix some random crud with that and you probably have a terrain effects product.

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