Hello-I am waiting for my 1/144 Roden Boeing 720B to arrive. I have no experience with Roden, is it a fairly easy and accurate build? The only thing I have heard is the decals for the Pan Am livery are missing the silver cheat line below the blue stripe? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Here is an image from Wikepedia of a Pan Am 720 I want to model. Also a picture of the only Pan Am I ever owned, I received this tin Pan Am 707 Clipper for Christmas in the early 1960s, the engines would light up one at a time simulating engine start for take off.
Just arrived, the only issue I see so far is the decals. The windows should be trimmed in aluminum, Roden’s aren’t. I saw some done correctly by 26 Decals at a decent price. Off to order new decals.
I built one engine to see how this kit is to assemble. I built a JT3D with the turbocompressor. It is really well detailed but like a short run kit not much there for locating pins.
I have 2 engines built and puttied, the wings glued up and the fuselage halves with the window strips in backwards. I am using after market decals so I want to fill the window holes therefore I put the smooth side of the window strip facing out to use as a backing strip when I fill the holes from the outside.
This is the scheme I want to do, replace the Roden decals with Vintage Flyers as shown in this Vintage Flyers profile image. I used their decals on a 727 a few years ago and they work and look most excellent!