Roden GMC PD3701 Silverside Bus | Armorama™

Coming soon, GMC PD3701 Silverside Bus "Greyhound Lines", scale 1:35

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

Interesting. It looks like it will be a nice model. Not sure what I would use it for though.

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Aside from stateside vignettes or dioramas, I think it has limited use.

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I’d plan to use it for the same thing I use all my other models for. Having loads of fun building it and then sitting it on the shelf to look awesome.


This has real appeal for me - crying out for a Bare Metal Foil & paint finish .

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Too bad it is not more of a school bus design. It could be built as the M* A* S* H 4077 bus ambulance.
mash bus 1
mash bus 2

Or as the AAFES Snack Bar bus at China Beach, Vietnam.

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Now that would have been cool. And I’m pretty sure that model would have been seen in 'Nam as well.

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I have seen a couple made out of the 1/32 Arii Isuzu Bonnet Bus and a 1950s or '60s Chevy/Ford pick up front end. You also have to swap the door and driver’s controls to the other side (door right, driver left). It is doable though.

At least by the Aussies. I bet the US had some as well.

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I can just see Gunny Srgnt Hartman (Lee Ermey) barking at a bunch of recruits parked in front of a Quonset hut . . . “What is your F*******g problem Pyle!!?”
Too cool :laughing:

Cajun :crocodile:


I really like the look of this kit. Lots of ideas, Grateful Dead tour bus, Zombie Apocolypse battle bus, rotting in a scrapyard. Might need more than one lol.

Regards Jason


Indeed. Now we need some '60’s era Drill Sergeants.
However, I picture a small town bus stop with a recruit about to get on, saying good bye to his girl.
Or, in a mix of scales, in front of my cardboard Hillbilly Hauler diorama. You do not want to know what I paid for that little piece of childhood memory.

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Are you forgetting where you are!? I expect to see a full blown topic created on this subject with heart warming reflective meanderings as well as introspective revelations including detailed dialog explaining the build process, what motivated the undertaking, kit purchase price and several photo images from various revealing angles. :blush:
“We want dirty laundry” :musical_note:

Cajun :crocodile:


Looks quite interesting! I see the engine panels can be opened after assembly-I hope the passenger door is movable as well. It would be great to see them also eventually do an early 70s Greyhound bus.

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Is that cop questioning Dr Richard Kimble ?!

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You are showing your age… LOL

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I just watched the repeats ! :wink:

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  • But I can remember “Harry O” catching the bus ! :wink:
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A very interesting kit. I have built 2 Roden kits in my life. RR Armored car and Opel Blitz Omnibus. I was not impressed with the quality of the kits. I hope the molding is better on this one because I plan on buying this one also. I love these big bus kits.

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A very original release and perfect for an idea I had time ago :slight_smile:

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I just got one of these in the mail the day after Christmas and I’m thinking about pushing it up to the front of the line. I could use a break from my armor projects. I’ve been watching the video I linked below but this gentleman didn’t leave the front door open so you could see the driver’s compartment. he also omitted a lot of parts for the sake of building it very quickly…even left the engine off so he could display it separately. If any of you have any images and ideas on how to keep the engine bay door open or the front door open…I’d love to see images of how you guys solved these problems. TIA