Hello again
This is my MENG Rolls Royce. I know there are sevaral inacurracies (mainly turret sides and rear ) in this kit,but I think I can live with them. I modified the driver,s visor and added front towing hooks. Figure is from Copper State Models. Lampost fron MIniart. I hope you like with all his inacurracies
Really nice work Alberto.
How did the etch wheel spokes work out?
Read a few reviews of the kit that say it lacks a jig to bend them to shape.
Excellent job Alberto! Great finish and the figure looks great too!
Super paint job on the vehicle and figure. The base adds to the overall
No problem with the PE ,you don´t need a jig.Thank you for your comment
Very interesting build. I’m building the Roland rendition of the 1914 armored car - it’s going to the desert. You don’t really build the Roland kit, you fight it. I’m sure the Meng would be a lot easier on the nerves and it obviously builds into a very nice kit. (I do like the serious fading - I’d guess that would happen in a vehicle of that era - especially if driven by people that didn’t own it.)
I assume you are talking about the Roden kit? Never heard of Roland…
Right you are - it was late when I posted. In defense, one of my last builds was an Eduard 1/48 Roland C.II.
After seeing this and a few others it makes me want one.
The entire build and composition is amazing