This is the first model I show here. It is my rendition of the CSM kit,a very good kit. I painted it overall green because I think that the black sides are questionable.Figure is from the bodhi.I hope you like it.
That is a very nicely built model. Great paint job on both model and figure!
Very nice base too.
And welcome to the KITMAKER Network.
Excellent work all around the base, figure and model are all top notch. Did you make the wood base, road and flag or was it purchased? Thanks for taking the time to show your work.
Thank you a lot for your kind words.
Thank you for your comment. Wood base and cobblestone road were purchased (separately).The pole and flag were scratchbuilt.
Very nicely done! The figure looks great also. The pole with the banner is a nice touch.
No I don’t like it - I LOVE it.
Great work. It really conveys atmosphere - one of the best renditions I have seen.
I’ve never seen this kit before. Very well done. And the figure as well. Also agree that the pole and banner accent the kines of the car perfectly.
Thank you all for your kind comments,they are a very appreciated,
Yes, the banner really sets it off and serves as a perfect vertical element.