Rookie Mistake - M3 Bradley CFV Repaint

The point in the other thread was not about the paint shade, but about a first gen M3 being used in OIF with a “Stay Back” sign or in ODS, which they were not. No clue which version is under the tarp (M2, M3, M2A1) and no telling why it is sand. Not saying it was currently a gate guard either, but it could have been before it went to the refit facility.

Looks awesome! Great finish and that base really sets it off

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@HeavyArty . Yes . The sign was definitely wrong . Somewhere in the mix I just decided to go with the green. It all worked out. If it wasn’t for you and the other great people in here thia place would be no fun.
In the future keep letting me know if something is wrong , like I said I was lax in checking reference and you were good enough to catch it . Many thanks.

@metalhead85 . Thanks Bro. It was time to put some paint down range , and put that predator in its natural environment. Now I can move on to a serious build.

I hear ya. Trying to put a few projects to bed myself lol

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I hate it when color nazis comment on people’s builds. Ther almost as bad as rivet counters.

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@Richard_Herrington . actually it was done in a very helpful manner and was appreciated.
You will find that the people here are really great . Actually all of this led to another member selling me a ton of reference on several other vehicles for a great price.
So all in all this was a win win… Honestly I made a mistake and then benefited from it…lol.
Rivet counters are for the guys who build wingy thingies , aka flak targets , aka aircraft. Armor guys , aka tread heads , aka turret heads, aka gods of styrene…lol. Are bolt counters. Hi my name is Chris , Im a bolt counter . Bolt counters will help other people become better builders.
So with all of that , welcome to the crew , jump in share your work and have a great time .


Thats the beauty of this forum, we have rivet counters, bolt counters, color nazis and people who like those advices but don’t use it… like myself. And everybody here accepts eachother and offers advice… it is up to you what you do with it. Some people repaint their model, some people build their models from scratch, sculpt their own figures… others don’t and even mix uniforms and stowage from all kinds of periods to get the result they want… and still everybody acepts each other… I even accept people who critisize this in their first post… :grinning:

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@bwilt . very well spoken.