RT make great pieces. I’m a big fan. But isn’t something like this easy enough to make yourself?
The current go to would be either using dried ornamental asparagus or PE parts, but both take quite some time to consteuct and paint in a realistic mamner - technically you could scratchbuild all of our products in some way or another, but the core value we deliver is the tremendous time saving as well as excellent detail out of the box
Those look fantastic. I don’t currently do any armor that would require them, but if I did I’d certainly try them out,
Speaking of ornamental asparagus - I used asparagus fern once on a Geramn kit. I think Shep Paine recommended it. Looked great - for the first two weeks, I didn’t spray glycerine on them as per recommendation.
well thats another solution then
yes there are
Well, as I’ve just ordered some, I’ll conduct troop trials and let you know; you will recall I’m a great fan of vehicle foliage:
I certainly look forward to some firs.
Just did some reading on preserving plants with glycerin. It has a time limit and can weep out of a plant in high humidity, staining anything touching the plant. Most 3D printed plastics should hold up much longer.
Curious how the upcoming trees are put together. My mom had an artificial Christmas tree consisting wire branches that plug into two poles. Something like that would make painting fairly easy.
Yeah. This is a really hopeful development.
@BootsDMS Those look really nice, as your stuff always does. Tank garnish. It’s what’s for dinner. No. Bad cat. Don’t eat that.
Here comes the real deal about the trees: no construction needed! Printed in one piece, with almost no support structures!
Very interesting stuff. I do wonder about heating the 3D printed pieces to make them conform a bit better to the vehicle shape. Now, I do remember heating resin pieces in hot water can make them easier to bend into shape… do we do the same with 3D printed pieces?
Do you know when Andy’s might have them?
Yes that will certainly work as well and Id suggest to do so
Cant say at the moment probably in 1-3 months
Oh yes we do - and it will grow significantly in the upcoming months
Also posted within the"What the Postman brought today" piece.
Received today which is quick enough; I ordered them 7 days ago so a pretty good result.
As you can see I acquired 2 x sets, as I suspected the one would probably be insufficient for my purposes. I plan to attach these to a Leopard; for smaller vehicles perhaps one set would do, though of course it depends on the density of foliage required. At first glance they look pretty good. I’m not in a position to do anything with them just yet – not least as the planned Leopard is unbuilt, but I’ll keep you all posted as I may tinker with them a bit.
Those look outstanding Brian. No more PE leaves for you!
Well, we’ll see Matthew. The thing is, I estimate that the same amount of effort may be required to get an effect, however, for firs, these look just the business, as etch cannot replicate firs, or not that I’m aware of, and firs also appear to be the foliage of choice when it comes to those Cold War exercises - not surprising mind - when they tend to take place in the woods and forests of West Germany.
At least it should mean no more annoying brass nicks where I’ve missed a bit when assembling etch!
As I say, I’ll report as soon as I can.