Scale-effect painting

Really great photos. I suggest to use photoshop again to de-flatten the tyres of the flying Stuka.



Done! :upside_down_face:


Thanks other-Mike, I can’t believe I (and Mike) missed that detail – ain’t it just the way, the one time you DON’T want flattened t*res! But to be fair I understated his contribution (and despite his modesty), you made me go dig up one of the original photos…

Yo! Geppetto! …

Done and done! :grin::upside_down_face:


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Noice! Thanks again mate – spinning prop was hard to get right with a hair-dryer set to Stun just out of shot, with a better camera I might’ve got it right. From the archive I’m not sure if this was the only one that worked, Mike K might recall if he magicked it too…

This one was definitely hair-dryer only…



So easy to miss the obvious when triple-multi-tasking. I’ll take the Stuka prop for a spin when I can get properly back online to update. I’m using hot spot data right now because my internet provider is wack. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

—mike :upside_down_face:

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Yeah I know all about tunnel vision - I made a tunnel once…forgot to open the far end…

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